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Community Seed Library

Do you have extra seeds that you want to donate to start-up gardens? Or are you a new garden needing seeds for planting? 


​The community seed library is a supportive collaboration in which everyone helps each other by "loaning" out seeds that they need, and "return" them once harvested to continue this cycle of sharing. By helping out one another, we will create a community.


Not to mention that you can get seeds of plants that you don't have, simply by exchanging the ones that you have too much of! 

Garden 101 Workshops


Garden 101 is a program offered by Garden Works that provides a series of workshops on gardening. 


The workshops are topic-oriented: if you want to learn how to harvest seeds, prepare the soil, know what to plant, simply contact us. Once there is enough interest, we can set up a workshop session!

Mentorship program

Students and experienced gardeners match up depending on their individual needs. Students will find mentors to guide them in building up their school gardens, or simply ask them for specialized tips or trouble shooting help.

Green Your City's programs overview

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