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Name: City Farmer Gardens

Contact info:

Type of mentorship: Casual

Student Type: Both

Locations supported:

Visit City Farmer's garden in Vancouver
2150 Maple St


Speciality in Gardening: Food gardening. gardening and sustainability

Brief biography:

See website:


Note: Advice consulting only. Schools that need informational help would have to travel to City Farmer's Garden in Vancouver. 


Garden Mentorship

Please note that since the mentorship program is just developing, new mentors will be joining continuously throughout the seasons. Check back frequently! 


Are you a student? 
Follow the next 2 steps to find a mentors for your gardens!
1) Contact a mentor listed below.
2) If no one is suitable to your needs, fill out the mentee form below!
No mentor available yet? Contact us if you would like a gardening workshop (ex. on soil preparation, planting, etc), led by experienced gardeners from Garden Works.
Are you a gardener interested in helping youth? 
*Need help* Means the school still need a mentor!
*Connected* Means the school has found a mentor via GYC!

Moscrop Secondary------------------*Need help*

Alpha Secondary----------------------*Need help*

Burnaby Central Secondary---------*Need help*

Burnaby North Secondary-----------*Need help*


New Westminster:

New Westminster Secondary-------*Connected*



J.N. Burnett Secondary---------------*Need help*


Maple Ridge:

Garibaldi Secondary-------------------*Need help* 



School: Moscrop Secondary

City: Burnaby

Student Name:Symphony Huang

Student Contact:

(604 437 8408 or 778 835 0158 or 

Teacher Contact: Daniel Tetrault (604 664 8575 or

Type of mentorship wanted: Long term mentor

Brief Summary: We are looking for a mentor that can guide us through the whole process of building a garden and maintaining it. We've got a supportive green team, but just need the expertise on what and how to garden!

School: New Westminster Secondary School

City: New Westminster

Student Name: Sophie Labrosse

Student Contact : /

604 880 5792

Sponsor Teacher: (*please contact student*)

Type of mentorship wanted: 

Long-term= being continuously supported by a mentor

Brief summary:

The NWSS Environment Club would like to set up a school teaching garden at one of the local elementary schools. The goal will be to instill an appreciation for nature, sustainable food and personal health and wellness into the children while using the garden as a springboard to explore other environmental issues as well. In-school presentations at all district junior schools as a related initiative is also a goal. We are in the early processes or this project and formal planning will probably begin mid-November. Ideally we would love a mentor who has an interest in environmental education and would enjoy actively participating in the high school- elementary school student mentorship/ teaching program, at least for the first few weeks (would be an after school program, most likely once a week). We would love to plant in Spring of 2014.

School: Garibaldi Secondary School 

City: Maple Ridge
Student Name: Taylor Robinson
Student Contact:
Sponsor Teacher: n/a
Type of mentorship wanted: Casual, Troubleshoot
Specific Issue: How to start, how to encourage involvement, what to grow
Brief Summary: We would like 3 garden plots in our courtyard, where we will grow food for the cafeteria. We would also like a compost for the organic waste. Additionally, we plan on starting a garden club. Any help, ideas, or advice would be much appreciated. Also, we are looking into a grant from WWF but will probably need additional funding.

**NOTE: Only contact if you are a Vancouver school looking for connections/ info on garden community partner organizations**


Name: Brent Mansfield

Contact info:

Brief biography:

Community Liaison, Think&EatGreen@School
Faculty of Land and Food Systems, University of British Columbia




Name: Barb McMahon (pronounced "McMan" ;)


Type of mentorship: 1 hour a month either by phone or email ($25)


Group consultations: $50/hr, Workshops:(Successful Planting Ideas for School Gardens, How to Build a School Garden, What to Consider for a Sustainable School Garden Program): $150


Student Type (Secondary, elementary, or both?): Both

Locations supported: All and Any Areas in Lower Mainland, Most Familiar with Burnaby District

Specialty in Gardening/Sustainability: Gardening and Cooking


Brief biography: 


- Founder and Visionary behind Sprouting Chefs  (

-Past Services and Experience include:

Programming and Facilitation of Summer Cooking Camps for youth ages 7 to 15 in 2009/2010, After School Garden Club at Forest Grove Elementary, Seed Classes (Forest Grove, Lyndhurst Elementary), Cooking Classes (Vancouver Schools, Forest Grove Elementary, Community Centres)

-  Founder of the Garden Program at Forest Grove; oversees: Garden Classes, Seed Classes, Cooking Classes and After School Garden Club with 93 members

- Forest Grove Elementary Garden Program Future Projects: Labyrinth - Mindful Garden, Rain Barrel Collection and Irrigation System

- Network and Group Connections include: Farm to School Canada, Farm to Cafeteria Canada, Think & Eat Green @ School, Conscious Divas, Burnaby Food First Committee

- Currently enrolled in Organic Master Gardeners Course via Gaia College and Burnaby Continuing Ed


School: Burnaby Central
City: Burnaby (Central Burnaby)
Student contact:
Sponsor teacher:
Type of mentorship: Casual now, hopefully longterm in the future.
Summery of initiative: Burnaby Central has some space available to plant a garden alongside other plants but we are looking into making out own beds and starting an herb garden soon along side an ornamental garden. We would like some guidance and getting out garden off the ground and learning skills as a team to help create a strong gardening culture at our school.

School: JN Burnett Secondary School

City: Richmond

Student Name: Juanita Kwok


Sponsor Teacher: N/A

Type of mentorship wanted: Long term (starting 2014)

Brief summary of garden initiative: expand our school gardens by receiving 3 new garden beds from the school board, starting up a garden club and many things planned from there. More details still need to be set.

Name *

Jane Armstrong

Email *

Type of Mentorship *

Long Term / Casual

Student Type *


Locations Preferred *

New Westminster

Speciality in Gardening/Sustainability: 


-organic gardening practices

-building soil and soil health using resources on hand, including creating compost

- lasagna gardening

- raised beds- growing food (outdoors, & indoor sprouting)


- keen on reducing garbage; keeping organics out of waste stream

- lead the Glenbrook North Community Zero Waste Challenge in 2010

- RETHINKING comes before Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Brief Biography *

- Completed Gaia College's "Organic Master Gardener" Certificate Program (4 core courses

- Organic Master Gardener; Growing Food in the City; Ecological Landscape Design; Plant Knowledge for Organic Gardeners)

- Have a veggie garden in both back and FRONT yard on small city lot- Proprietor of Jane's [Organic] Garden Creations

- Design, Installation & Maintenance of residential gardens (ornamental)- lead a workshop on Growing Sprouts indoors for Fraserside Community Services

New Westminster:

Jane Armstrong


City Farmer Gardens
Barb McMahon




School Name:

Ecole Alpha Secondary



Primary Contact:

Salina Kung

Primary Contact

Sponsor Teacher

Jayshree Rana

Sponsor Teacher (Please contact student)

Type of Mentorship Wanted 

Long Term and Casual Mentorship


Brief summary of garden initiative:

We are endeavoring to start a garden at Alpha. There have been successful attempts to reinstate the garden in the past and we hope to be able to entirely weed the garden, replace the soil, and sow in seeds required for a vegetable garden this year and maintain the garden for future generations. We hope that we will inspire students to grow and eat locally produced food and to consume healthier diets. We currently have a large plot that will be weeded. Our greatest concern is soil replacement and advice on how to maintain and grow certain types of vegetables. We hope to be able to start planting in the spring of 2014. We would greatly appreciate advice on ways we can kick start out garden. 

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